Ejaculating In The Mouth
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This is one of the hottest videos here lately girl sexxx. bookshack.com.au 'ejaculation in the mouth' Search, free sex videos. Results for: ejaculation in the mouth. FREE - , GOLD - , Report. Swallowing semen is relatively safe. However, there may be a risk of an allergic reaction or of passing on a sexually transmitted infection. In a Dutch study of women who engaged in oral sex and swallowed the semen, the researchers found that swallowing semen was associated with a lower risk of. “Generally, swallowing semen can be safe, and even at times beneficial,” says Dr. Monica Grover, DO, and Board Certified Gynecologist at VSpot. There's nothing unhealthy, wrong, or dirty about swallowing semen, as long as you're comfortable with it. It's not possible to get pregnant from.
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