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5 Reasons Women Go Commando. 7 Reasons You Should Not.

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She sounds like my wife getting fucked buchanan nude. Since girls going commando aren't trapping the heat down there, they're making it harder for bacteria to grow. Since bacteria thrives in warm, wet places. No, just when it's uncomfortable. Another popular reason for women going commando is to add some excitement to their relationship. It's a fun, flirty and exciting moment when you. It wouldn't be fun to possibly have the regular, normal vaginal discharge rubbing between the legs. And I don't get how it'd turn on the woman. I have waaaay too much discharge to go commando. I always wear underwear. Even in bed while I'm sleeping no matter if I have my period or not.

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Views: 5768 Date: 6/15/2024 Favorited: 23 favorites

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